Electronics Recall and Return Management Services

Bringbacks Without the Setbacks

Product recalls and returns need to be handled with speed, consistency, sensitivity, and professionalism to mitigate potential negative impacts to your brand. With this in mind, we support manufacturers, distributors, and retailers around the country with electronics recall and return management services.

Whether you need certified destruction of defective items or maximum value recovery of customer returns through part harvesting and validation, we can help. We can even manage all of the associated reverse logistics. And while we are at it, let our exceptional customer service and compelling social impact bolster your sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility messaging.

Nobody does more good with e-waste than we do. Contact us if you have any need of our electronics recall and return management services.



We helped a $2B+ Consumer Products company with a variety of special projects. Through one of their acquisitions, they came into possession of some discontinued product lines. We worked with them to provide depackaging and certified destruction of new-in-box equipment, documenting the entire process with photographs to enhance auditability.

depackaged, documented, destroyed.
Homeboy Electronics Recycling:Homeboy Electronics Recycling: R2 Responsible Recycling CertifiedHomeboy Electronics Recycling: ISO-14001 CertifiedHomeboy Electronics Recycling: ISO-18001 CertifiedHomeboy Electronics Recycling: ISO-18001 CertifiedHomeboy Electronics Recycling: ISO-18001 Certified